Save The Blogs!





Okay, folks. So. Tumblr’s jumped the shark in a big way, and I’m not even just talking about indiscriminately blocking all “adult” content on a platform that IS, in fact, primarily 18+.

Many blogs, like the wonderful @blackkatmagic , that are not especially NSFW have vanished.

(And I for one LIKE being able to go to curated porn blogs run by actual people and have a chance of finding stuff to my taste, it was one of the things that kept me on this hellsite, but that’s another issue entirely.)

I know lots of people are talking about migrating, but none of us are sure to where yet. Pillowfort seems to be an option, some people are talking about Twitter. But for now, it’s a mess, and even if we knew where we were going, it’s often a huge process, and a lot of us have stuff on tumblr that ONLY exists there.

One possible quick solution to save your blogs, both NSFW and personal, is to import it to WordPress. I found this solution through from frantic googling on how to save an entire blog, text posts an all. There are several apps for downloading all the pictures from a tumblr, (Plently for Windows, but only a few paid ones for mac, of which Tumbelog Picture Downloader is working for me so far) but this is the only solution I’ve seen so far that allows you to save EVERYTHING. I downloaded my NSFW blog in like 10 min. My regular blog, which is significantly larger, is in the process of importing, but I don’t anticipate any problems. I will, of course, update you if I have any.  

This tutorial I found worked really easily. http://quickguide (.) tumblr (.) com/post/39780378703/backing-up-your-tumblr-blog-to-wordpress

I put parenthesis around the .’s like we’re back in FF-Hell, just in case tumblr’s new thing about outgoing links kicks in. You know what to do. 

To break it down, just in case:

 Sign up for a account at wordpress (.) com/start

You’ll have to create an account, with your email, a username, and a password. They should send you a confirmation email immediately, check it, activate it, and you’re good to go.

On the site, it will ask you for a site name. That page asks you a bunch of other information too, but you only have to fill out the site name.

Then you have to give your site a URL. If you’re lucky, your tumblr URL is still available, if not you’ll have to come up with another one, sorry.

It will tell you if that option is still available for free.

Then it will ask you to pick a plan. Free is really good enough, I swear.

Now you’re set up! You can import your tumblr!

The only differences from the linked tutorial are that the Import button is now on the first level menu, not in tools.

Hit Import, then you have to follow the link for “other importers”  at the bottom, to find the option for Tumblr.

Then you’ll have to sign in with tumblr, using your normal tumblr credentials. You’ll be redirected there automatically.

You’ll have to allow WordPress permissions on your blog.

Then your blogs, including all your sideblogs, will show up in wordpress.

Hit import, wait a WHILE depending on the size of your blog, and you’re done!


I made my NSFW blog private for now, since I don’t know WP’s policy on NSFW.

This means that to access it, someone has to have an account and request access. But hey, part of our problem on this hellsite has been people going places they aren’t wanted, so I don’t personally see this as a bad thing. They can send a request from the landing site on your blog, you get an email, click a link in the email, and PRESTO, they have access.

To make it private, go to Settings > Reading > Site Visibility. Go back and check, it took me changing the setting twice for it to actually stick.

tl;dr, you can import your entire blog to wordpress in just a few steps. 

I’m going to tag the hell out of this, in no particular order. PLEASE reblog this and spread the word so people know it’s an option. If you’re having trouble, PM me, and I’m happy to help.

@gallusrostromegalus @kaciart @lena221bee @deadcatwithaflamethrower

@norcumi @deandraws @morn-art, @thebisexualmandalorian @kristsune @marloviandevil @punsbulletsandpointythings @protagonistically @cris-art @elfda @fish-ghost @godtierwonder @heartslogos @haekass @iesika @incogneat-oh @itispossibleihaveissues @jaegervega @jhaernyl @the-last-hair-bender @kleine-aster @latenightcornerstore @lectorel @medievalpoc @mgnemesi @me-ya-ri @myurbandream @peskylilcritter @cywscross ,@cheshiresense @varevare @victoriousscarf @whatsmeantobe @swpromptsandasks @gabriel4sam @stonefreeak @brighteyedbadwolf @pumpkin-lith @puzzleshipper @suzukiblu @myurbandream @lacefedora @jademerien

There are a whole bunch more, but that’s a start. Please reblog the hell out of this, so people are aware of this one simple option.

For people asking how to backup thier blog

Keeping this here for important reference as a last resort or backup

Reblog to save a blog

Hetalia is NOT Dead


I’m going to be outright with it:
Unironically calling Hetalia a dying fandom is a slap in the face to those
content creators still in it.

To call something
dead just because you’re leaving/have already left the fandom is disrespectful
on so many levels. There are still people creating content, and to have you
dismiss their hobbies and interests as something doomed to fail discourages
active members from contributing further to the community.

There are people
struggling and working every day to get recognized, and yet you have the
audacity to say that it’s dead? What gives you the right to wave off those
invisible artists and writers? What gives you the right to take away the hope
from those who want to get recognized? What gives you the right to declare a
fandom dead when there’s people who still have a genuine and active interest in

Only those who have
left the fandom have a dead interest in Hetalia; don’t project this onto the
rest of us.

The Popularity Argument: 

I’ve seen this
justification enough times that it really makes me question if people know what
a fandom is. Sure, Hetalia isn’t as popular as it was years ago…SO WHAT?

A fandom is a
community. A community involves personalized interactions. If you’re so pent-up
on numbers, then it’s time to re-evaluate why you’re here. You shouldn’t (note
the word shouldn’t, as not everyone’s the same
) base your gratification from a
fandom based only on numbers. The community may be smaller now; we’re

But that’s just it,
isn’t it? We don’t have to be big to form our own little niche. If anything, it
makes the experience more satisfying to know those who you interact with. I
understand where others are coming from when they say that the responses aren’t
the same as they used to be. However, if you’re using that same argument,
activity and numbers have been on the rise lately.

Nonetheless, a
fandom doesn’t have to be super popular for you to be able to enjoy it. The
Hetalia fandom is just big enough where it’s still thriving with new content
every single day. That hardly seems like it’s dead to me.

Yes, numbers
matter, as they derive from interaction. But, if you’re really here for the
fandom experience, huge numbers shouldn’t be a first priority. We’re here to
fulfill and sustain meaningful relationships, not some self-validating line graph.

Why Hetalia Declined in Activity:  

I say activity,
because a lot of what goes on in this fandom is smoke and mirrors. There are
still a TON of people in this fandom. The only problem is that most of said people
only follow accounts and can’t be bothered to like or reblog. In no way are you
obligated to like or reblog content either, don’t get me wrong. Still, it’s
this unwillingness to share content that’s made the fandom smaller.

In other words,
people are interested in the content, but when it comes to sharing it, that
interest dissipates. Everyone here has the power to make this bigger again (not
that it needs to be). Regardless, it’s your call whether you want to invest
that extra minute in supporting your favourite creators.  

Another problem
I’ve noticed is that those who do reblog don’t use their tags. This is probably
the biggest explanation as to why we’re so invisible on tumblr’s fandometer. If
even half of us wrote the simple tag of “hetalia”, we’d be up there for

Again, it’s your

“You’re still into Hetalia…?”  

I get it, I really
do. Based on circus performances from mostly older members, this fandom has a
horrible reputation. What I don’t understand is how that horrible reputation
somehow translates into it being embarrassing to like the series. The actions
of others should not be reflective of the entire fandom.

Which brings me to
my next point. Yes, Hetalia is based on stereotypes. It’s inevitably biased,
and I admit, some of the earlier content could have been executed with a lot
more research and sensitivity on Hima’s part. Point is, that was over a decade
ago, and his new content has proven that he’s learned from these mistakes.

It would be
impossible for Hima to create a series using this medium without necessitating
the need for stereotypes. What a lot of people don’t seem to quite get is that
stereotypes are conceptual tools; that is, they’re flexible.

What’s wonderful
about this fandom is that Hima’s general use of stereotypes allows fans to step
in and add their own personal touches and corrections to the characters.

Also, I cannot
stress this enough, but this series promotes peace, not war. It’s easy to look
at the series’ summary and automatically think: “They’re glorifying Germany
during WW2!”

NO! Not once have
they ever promoted fascism. There’s zero insignia shown, nor is any of the
horrors that happened covered. What the strips do show is the nations fighting
each other, as is what happens in war. More importantly is that the nations
have been shown on countless occasions to abandon wartime rivalries and act as
friends above all else.

I mean, the series’
theme is literally “Draw a circle, that’s the Earth.

You can’t honestly
tell me that this isn’t pushing for worldwide consolidation as opposed to

Why Hetalia has Remained: 

Hetalia has remained
as one of the most versatile fandoms out there. You have both human and nation
AUs that can be recreated and re-formulated over and over again. On top of that,
you have 11+ years of canon character information to work with. The fandom is
full of depth, flexibility, and future potentialities for people to explore new
ideas with the characters.

You don’t typically
see this with other fandoms. Usually there’s one big boom. Then people realize
that they don’t have all that much to work with and move on. People haven’t
completely moved on from Hetalia because it’s still rich enough to keep
producing new content from it.

Likewise, not many
other fandoms provide the motivation to engage in learning about the world and
its history. Hetalia made me want to learn more about what I was reading.

And before anyone says
“Hetalia is simple, there’s nothing to it”, I implore you to reconsider. If you
really pay attention to the inner workings of Hima’s craft, you’ll find countless
inter-texts, foreshadowing, easter eggs, and dark themes running all throughout

To Those Leaving the Fandom:

Thank you for all
the content you’ve created for us, truly. I wish you all the best. But, if you
do leave, all I ask is that you respect those who are still in it.

Just because you’re
leaving, doesn’t mean that the fandom has died. It just means that you’ve lost interest. Please don’t attribute
this loss of interest to a fandom that’s “dead.” If anything, it’s because of lower
numbers and activity. 

To dismiss us as dead means that you’re
overlooking those who are still here. Not only that, but if you had a large
enough following, you’re ruining the aspirations of those who idolized you.

Leave behind your
legacy with class. Set a good example. Allow those to eventually climb up to the
peak you reached in the fandom rather than tearing it down and frightening
others into leaving with you too.

With all that said,
I want those reading this to remember one thing. We’re still a community. We’re
in Hetalia because we share a common interest.

It’s about sharing
what you love, not loving something because it’s shared.

Dang if this ain’t it I don’t know what is.

Get to know the Mod meme


Send a symbol, and I’ll answer the question it represents :

♔ : First Name?
⊗ : Nickname?
★: Gender?
♢: What country are you from?
☻ : Show your face ?
₪ : What fandoms are you in?
▲ : Your favourite film, book and television series?
❂ : Relationship status?
ღ : Song you’re listening to right now?
§: Favourite song?
∞: Celebrity crush?
☞ : Any senpais ?
✆ : An unpopular opinion?
○ – A ship I have with myself ?
❧ – A ship I have with you ?
✗ – A ship I can’t stand
☒ – A fact about the mod

//I swear I’m not dead tumblr has just been glitchy.

This town ain’t big enough for two Ask Aph Russia blogs. I say we duel.













show yourself, сука :^)

The showdown

@ask-aph-braginski vs unknown russia

I will eat their bones

Mhhhhwhats going on in here….?

“Very bold of you to assume I have bones.”

hey what the fuck is going on





It’s the Russia Cult

who is the unknown russia and when will this coward step forward



“What are they fighting about?”

@ask-aph-braginski @ask-badlydrawnrussia @ask-big-russia @ask-badly-drawn-aphrussia @ask-cohabitation-russia @askbadlydrawnrussia


@ask-badly-drawn-rusame @ask-cohabitation-russia @ask-fem-russia @ask-aph-random-russia @ask-aph-braginski @ask-badly-drawn-aphrussia @askbadlydrawnrussia @ask-badlydrawnrussia @ask-merman-vanya @ask-badly-drawn-rochu @ask-badlydrawn-ruscan

I love how Canada is in the corner. Like “okay I guess I’m here now”



APH ask!blog for America and Russia ヽ(・∀・)ノ
> history-based
> please read the about and guidelines before asking ~
> story posts coming soon!

please reblog ♡

I love it when I find a new ask blog.


Todd Haberkorn reads as APH Italy as Strickland from Back to the Future for the Twisted Toonz panel at Fan Expo Canada 2018

For more context, Twisted Toonz is a convention panel series in which guest VAs read a movie script as the characters they play. I’ve watched a whole lot of these panels online the past few years, but this is the first time I’ve ever seen a Hetalia voice in one!

“All right, shape up Mr. Man. You’re a slacker! Do you want to be a slacker for the rest of your life?” -APH Italy, 2018



i spent two years making asia just to make this map. oh my god. the tag list couldnt get longer oh my god

I’m sorry but why aren’t more people reblog this? Japan is my current mood.